Donnerstag, 1. November 2012

seven devils

"My story wasn't always easy. often i struggled, i just didn't know what to do with myself, with my desires, my dreams. times of fear and desperation followed. at one point i started drinking, not at parties, or with friends. alone. and mostly not just one bottle. i wanted my body to shiver, i wanted to feel the intoxication which was pulsing through my vanes. i didn't eat for three days, and i decided to celebrate it with my last vodka. i can't remember how much i drank, but i guess nobody cares about that anyways. so there i was, probably lying on the floor, but my head my whole body felt like it was drifting to a new dimension. suddenly my feet felt warm, but i could perceive a cold chill along my spine. a men's voice talked to me: 'You're quite unusual, aren't you?' i turned around but i couldn't see anything. it was just a really, really thick darkness, loneliness. 'To wired to live, too rare to die, aren't you?' the voice asked again and took my hand. that was the day that i returned to life, no longer as a ordinary girl, but as satan's wife."
- Å

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